Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Chapter 1 - Information Technology, the Internet, and You

  • Learning Objectives:

1. Explain the parts of an information system: people, procedures, software, hardware, data, and the Internet.

2. Distinguish between system software and application software.
3. Differentiate between the kinds of system software programs. 
4. Define and compare general purpose, specialized, and mobile applications.
5. Identify the four types of computers and the four types of personal computers. 
6. Describe the different types of computer hardware, including the system unit, input, output, storage, and communication devices. 
7. Define data and describe document, worksheet, database, and presentation files. 
8. Explain computer connectivity, the wireless revolution, the Internet, and cloud computing.

Introduction to this chapter
  • Personal computers are common life tools.  
  • New forms of learning have developed. 
  • College courses; Not just quarters or semesters 
  • Computers offer many communication avenues
Parts of an Information System
  • People
  • Procedures
  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Data
  • The Internet
1. People

  • End user who use computers
  • Most important part of any system
  • Contact is either direct or indirect

2. Software
  • Another name of programs
  • There are two major kinds of software;
  • System Software - software used by computers
  • Application Software - software you use
  • The purpose of software - to convert data into information
a. System Software

  • enables application software to interact with the computer hardware 
  • Background software helps manage resources 
  • Collection of system programs; Operating Systems, Utilities, Device Drivers

           i.  Operating System
               - Coordinates computer resources
               - Provides the user interface
u                   - Runs applications
                  a. Embedded operating system
                      - Used by Smartphones and tablets
   o   Real-time operating systems (RTOS)
                  b. Standalone operating system
                      - Used by desktops
                  c. Networking operating systems
                      - Used to run networks
            ii. Utilities
                 - Perform specific tasks related to managing computer resources
                 - Antivirus Program
 -Protects from viruses
  o   Can damage your software or hardware 
  o   Comprise the security and privacy of personal data

 b. Application Software
  • End-user software 
  • Types of application software 
  • - General-Purpose applications 
          - Widely used programs 
    o   Browsers, Word Processor 
    • Specialized applications 
    - More narrowly focused 
    o   Web Authoring 
    • Apps 
    - Designed for mobile devices 
    o   Social media apps
c. Hardware

 Types of Computer
  •   Supercomputer – Most powerful computers
  •   Mainframe computers – Process large amounts of data
  •   Midrange computers – Servers
  •   Personal Computers – Pcs & Five types of PCs

Personal Computer Types

  •         Desktop
  •         Laptop
  •         Smartphones
  •         Tablet
  •         Wearables

Personal Computer Hardware
Four basic categories of equipment
 System Unit

  1.             Input/Output
  2.       Secondary Storage
  3.       Communications

System Unit – Houses most of the electronic components

Two Important Components
-     Microprocessor
     -   Memory

Input Translate data into computer language
  •  Keyboard
  • Mouse

Output Translate computer data into usable information

  • Display
  • Printer

Secondary Storage Holds data and programs even if power is off

 Hard Disk
- Solid State Storage

  1. No moving parts
  2. More reliable
  3. Require less power
 - Optical Disc
  1. Laser technology
  2.  Cds, DVDs , Blu- ray

Communications Devices Provide the ability for personal computers to communicate

ModemsModify audio, video and other types of data for Internet Usage

Data Raw, unprocessed facts

  1.       Processed data becomes information
  2.           Digital data is stored electronically in files
  3.       Four common types of file 

  •          Document
  •       Worksheets
  •           Database
  •      Presentation

Document Files Created by word processors

  •       Term papers
  •       Memos
  •        Letters

Worksheet Files – Created by electronic spreadsheets to analyze things like
                               budgets  and to predict sales

Database Files Typically created by database management programs to contains                                                  highly structured and organized data

Presentation Files Created by presentation graphics programs to prepare                                                                        presentations materials

ConnectivitySharing of information

Network – Communications system connecting two or more devices
    -  Central to the concept of the Internet
    - Largest network is the Internet
    - Web provides a multimedia interface for Internet resources

3 Things driving the forces of technology :
  •          Cloud Computing
- Computers on the Internet
  •         Wireless Technology
- Changing the way we communicate
  •          The Internet of Things (IoT)
- Continuing development of the Internet

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Chapter 9

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